Jets Athletics: November Update
On Upcoming Finals, In-house Events, and Mascot Tryouts
November 11, 2021
On Wednesday, the 17th, the Middle & High school Cross Country squads will run for the championship in Busan as well; look out for Jacob, Macyn, and Ethan to dominate the trails once again. The very next day, elementary school will also join in on the trend, as DIS is holding an in-house event for the rising cross country team to determine our own best runners.

The next day, Thursday, November 18th, SAAC hosts Glider tryouts—any middle and high school student can take a shot at becoming the peppy school mascot. The winner will earn the honor of being the friendly fox at upcoming events to promote school spirit.
The 20th is a big day for the Jets: three finals will be occurring all at once down in Busan. Girls’ coach Mr. Park and Boys’ coach Mr. Purdy will lead Elementary Futsalers in the finals at ISB. Simultaneously, the two high school volleyball squads are aiming to hang another banner in the gymnasium.

The High School Girls’ Volleyball team will be playing for the championship at Busan Foreign School. “I’m really hopeful for winning the tournament this time,” said Mrs. Jolly, the coach of the girls’ team.
“We didn’t have the divisionals this year, meaning we’ll be going in blind, so I’d be lying if I say I’m not nervous at all,” she added. “Regardless, I’m confident that our team has a good chance; we’ve been really dedicated all year long, and I believe in the girls”.
On the other side of Busan, the Boys’ Volleyball team is playing in the finals at ISB. Coach Bergan displayed strong confidence in the Jets’ chances. “I’m not too nervous. We have a really talented group of boys—if anything, I’m actually pretty confident,” he remarked.
“We challenge ourselves every day, and improve upon each other all the time. Our players are super dedicated and enthusiastic, and we’re all hungry to break the long drought of volleyball championships at DIS,” he added. “Our players are in their best form, and the team is determined to win it all. Every game is winnable.”
Lastly, SAAC is holding a middle school sports camp on the 25th, during the Thanksgiving break. Students will be able to break out from bland study sessions and enjoy exciting athletic activities with their friends.
When it rains, it pours. Sports had a delayed rollout this year, but the Jets are in full blast now.