Say Hello to the Snack Shack
The DIS Hot Spot’s Grand Opening and Continuing Usage
May 3, 2022
DIS is awesome, but there’s one thing it hasn’t had since COVID started – a place where students can buy snacks. Now, the Jets have an awesome place to buy and sell delicious snacks again. On April 1st, the long-awaited Snack Shack was opened. Students crowded around the new addition to the facility, excited to take part in the elementary and secondary celebrations for the event. Elementary and middle school student council members cut the ribbon for their respective ceremonies to mark the start of the celebration. Glider and the Student Athletic Advisor Committee (SAAC) members handed out ice pops to the students who crowded around the Snack Shack. Participants appreciated the frosty, sweet goodness on a chilly day in April.

Since its grand opening, the Snack Shack has been used by numerous groups as a place to host snack sales, and also as a place for learning. Ms. Ringrose, the advisor of the National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS), said: “The Snack Shack gives our 4th and 5th graders a chance to have a part-time job and learn about how to calculate and count money, and how to act around customers as well.”

NEHS members aren’t the only ones who enjoy the Snack Shack. Stella, in second grade, said, “I like using the Snack Shack because we have more time to buy snacks, so it isn’t as tiresome as it was before. I bought some snacks for a friend and myself today, and I loved it!” Ms. Suozzo also commented, “It’s really exciting for the kids because now, they can have a snack during their morning recess instead of having to wait until lunchtime to have something to eat.”

Various middle and high school clubs have been putting the Snack Shack to good use as well. From the 13th of April to the 23rd of April, MSSC hosted an ice cream sale in the Snack Shack. Christine, the organizer of the fundraiser, said: “I like using the Snack Shack because it’s a larger space, so we can have more volunteers inside helping out.” She also points out that it’s easier to organize our customers into lines so they aren’t crowded around one spot. “What’s more, it’s pretty obvious when a group is hosting a snack sale, so there’s also an advertising effect!” Christine’s last comment rings true.

During lunch and recess, many students are crowded around the Snack Shack, lining up to get ice cream and other snacks. Grade 7 Jayden commented, “A lot of my friends buy ice cream at the Snack Shack almost every day.”
Everyone is delighted with the newest addition to our campus, and what’s more, this is just the beginning. More special snacks and sweets are in store for our community, so be sure to stop by the Snack Shack. And a reminder for high schoolers – Prom Committee is currently selling tickets, corsages, and boutonnieres there as well. If you’re in grades 10-12, stop by the Snack Shack to get your flowers and a ticket for you and someone special.