7 hours a day, 5 days a week and up to 40 weeks a year – students spend a ludicrous amount of time at school. With all that hard work, it’s only a matter of time before they feel sick of all the productivity. Jets Tailspin presents the best ways to take it easy for a day and avoid burnout.
- Stay hydrated – drinking water can improve focus and cognitive function. Frequent bathroom breaks are an added bonus.
- Siestas, or short naps, reduce fatigue in the afternoon. Sleep researchers recommend white noise like a teacher’s soothing lecture to swiftly carry you to dreamland, educationally of course.
- Got a brain fart? Take a break with tic-tac-toe on your worksheets until the teacher goes over the answers.
- Planning ahead for your nutrition is key. Check the cafeteria’s lunch menu for the entire week on the DIS website whenever you have time.
- Physical activity decreases stress and releases endorphins – play basketball with crumpled worksheets and dunk them in the trash can.
- Nostalgia can bring you a smile even during hard days. Take a trip down memory lane and revisit some of your favorite “educational” websites like Coolmath games during learning lab.
Sophia • Feb 26, 2025 at 6:20 pm
I think that these are great tips just in case you are having a bad day, or you are tired, because you should always take a break when you are exhausted, because having a fueled brain is better than an empty one!
Sola • Feb 11, 2025 at 10:17 am
I loveee tailspin!!!! Great work as always 🙂