Jets Athletics: October Review
Ready, Set, Go!
November 3, 2021
DIS athletics are in full swing.
On October 16th, SAAC hosted their second Elementary Sports Camp. Refer to this video for the inside scoop.
On the 21st, DIS Cross Country runners had their first SKAC virtual competition with all the other SKAC schools. Elementary participants ran 2.5km, while middle and high school athletes raced for 5km. All runners worked incredibly hard during their practices, and did their best in the tournament. The result of their efforts was obvious – in the middle and high school divisions, Jacob McAteer came in 1st place, Macyn Jolly in 2nd, with Ethan Rossmeisl in 3rd. Macyn noted that “because of the amount of people on our team who are committed and want to beat everyone else, I feel that we are ready for the finals.”

In addition, an in-house high school volleyball game was held on the 23rd. From 10 o’clock sharp, all athletes were divided into teams. Three teams of boys and four teams of girls played against each other until lunch. Dylan, Paul, Colin, Juan, Lewis, Brandon, and June came in 1st in the boys’ division, while Macyn, Sophie, Selina, Masa, Hailey, and Isabella crushed it in their games in the girls’ division. After they had lunch, all the athletes were mixed up and were assigned to a co-ed team. Out of all seven teams, McKenna, Youni, Jacob, Junseong, Ryan, Grace, and Dana defeated all of their opponents.

Aaron from 9th-grade adds that “the in-house volleyball games were the best option given the circumstances.” He loves the boys’ team atmosphere, which he describes as “a major factor that motivates the group to do better.” Just like the school motto, the team is determined to practice hard to bring the trophy to school until then.
Macyn, one of the dual-athletes, presented a new insight on co-ed teams: “While I only play with high school girls in volleyball, I have the opportunity to run with the boys and a lot of different age groups for cross country. This made me enjoy all sports in different ways.”