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  • Saturday, March 29: NJHS Seongbo Rehabilitation Center: Planting Flowers and Social Time with Residents
  • Don't forget your spirit shirts on Friday
The Student News Site of Daegu International School

Jets Flyover

Daegu International School's Student News Site
  • Saturday, March 29: NJHS Seongbo Rehabilitation Center: Planting Flowers and Social Time with Residents
  • Don't forget your spirit shirts on Friday
The Student News Site of Daegu International School

Jets Flyover

The Student News Site of Daegu International School

Jets Flyover

Lily Lee

Lily Lee, Writer

A passionate junior, Lily Lee joins the Flyover family for the first time. As she watches the clock tick and reflects on whether or not her name will make a sports banner in the Jetnasium before graduation, she at least has journalism to fall back on to leave her mark before her departure. Nonetheless, she makes huge contributions to the school as the leader of the LGBTQ+ Organization for Various Ethnicities, Daegu Student Animal Association, National Arts Honor Society, and Science National Honor Society. Her love for new challenges is obvious as she continually strives to be the best version of herself. She takes great pride in her work ethic and her obviously tall stature.

All content by Lily Lee