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  • Saturday, March 29: NJHS Seongbo Rehabilitation Center: Planting Flowers and Social Time with Residents
  • Don't forget your spirit shirts on Friday
The Student News Site of Daegu International School

Jets Flyover

Daegu International School's Student News Site
  • Saturday, March 29: NJHS Seongbo Rehabilitation Center: Planting Flowers and Social Time with Residents
  • Don't forget your spirit shirts on Friday
The Student News Site of Daegu International School

Jets Flyover

The Student News Site of Daegu International School

Jets Flyover

Kelly Park

Kelly Park, Writer

Eighth-grader Kelly Park ventures into the newsroom as a writer with various passions – new music, Formula 1 racing, and winter sports. As a fan of many genres that range from R&B to alternative, she favors artists like Frank Ocean, Billie Eilish, and Conan Gray. After five-plus years of F1 fandom alongside the guidance of her father, Kelly claims the top spot as a rabid McLaren Team supporter. She’s keen to deliver her takes on the hottest tracks in the music industry and dish out the juiciest Formula 1 gossip. 

All content by Kelly Park