집이 없어 (No Home)
"No Home," or "집이 없어," is a series that illustrates the life of runaway high school student Hae-joon Go, who has no choice but to lodge himself in a run-down dormitory in the forest due to a series of unfortunate events. However, things only become worse when Hae-joon realizes that he will have to live with the very person who is the reason why he isn’t enjoying a quiet and peaceful life in one of the newer buildings—Eun-young, a reckless lowerclassmen who had “accidentally” stabbed Hae-joon during a heated confrontation after being caught pickpocketing him. Though things don’t look so good for the two in the beginning, they embark on a journey of redemption, navigating through their troubled pasts and discovering unexpected companionship in the process. As they work to mend their lives and confront the challenges of their shared predicament, Hae-joon and Eun-young find themselves growing in ways they never anticipated, turning their run-down dormitory into an unlikely haven they might even call home.