TEDx Takes Us Into the Unknown

Student and Teacher Speeches Enlighten Young Minds

The DIS community gathered in the presentation hall for TED Talks on April 19th. Speakers delivered their words during after school hours under the theme of “TEDx: Into the Unknown,” which focused on exploring new things in life.

Niha inspires the audience to persevere through the pain. Photo by Lewis Kim.

Similar to last year’s event, listeners enjoyed motivational lectures packed with lifelong lessons. But this year, the organizers stepped up their game by hosting more speakers and adding extra flair to the event. The number of speeches went up from 11 to 15 compared to last year as well.

Solah tells the tale of her journey into the unknown. Photo by Lewis Kim.

After the addresses, the audience pondered over the most memorable ideas. Brian H. in 9th grade commented, “I think the most memorable speech was Mr. Balint’s speech. It was about the Fermi Paradox, and he related this to exploring the unknown in science. It was interesting because I got to see a different perspective of my science teacher, and I also learned a lot about different views in science.”

Mr. Balint elucidates the unknown Fermi Paradox Effect. Photo by Lewis Kim.

Kevin, a senior, also reflected on everyone’s TED talks. He said, “I learned a lot of new things and point of views from this event. I think the most interesting speech was Elizabeth’s; it was about the pros and cons of biological developments in our society and the way we should view this issue. It was interesting because I got to learn many things about biology and the different perspectives that people have on this subject.”

Elizabeth impresses the audience with a speech about CRISPR-Cas9, a gene editing technique. Photo by Ava Cho.

With improved, eloquent addresses, TEDx gave the DIS community an opportunity to learn from fellow Jets about different intriguing perspectives on various topics. Look forward to next year’s event for another batch of articulate speeches.