What do you want from Santa this year?

DIS decks the halls as the Christmas spirit fills the air. A time of joy and love, it’s also Santa’s turn to deliver presents on his sleigh, along with his eight reindeer. Anticipating his visit, the DIS community answered the question, “What do you want from Santa this year?”

Ann, 5th grade: 

I want peace, because there’s COVID and there’s a war going on. I think that on Christmas, we should just have a fun Christmas. So I want peace. 








Nurse Becky:

I want a day off.  A free day off from Santa. I want to just walk around, without doing anything. Without talking, without carrying anyone, and just go do something that is relaxing, get a good drink of coffee, and a massage. 







Junsei, 7th grade:

Money. A lot. I don’t know what I’ll do with it, but I’ll save up. I have no plans for Christmas, too.  








Mr. Purdy:

I’d love a virtual reality headset to play virtual reality games with. I play Playstation 5, and I like to play games with my friends back in the UK or America. 








Bryan, 8th grade:

I want some cooler friends. I want them to be cooler as in… cooler. My current friends are, well, they’re quite interesting. I feel lonely these days. 









Señora Lopez:

Peace, and prosperity to all my friends and family. I would also like to spend a lot of time with my friends and family, rest, and share quality time with them. 








Kevin, 2nd grade:

I want to get lots and lots of money from Santa to buy gems in a game called “Brawl Stars.”








Leo, 12th grade:

I’m actually very content with my life. My parents are good people, I have great friends around me, so I want the children of this world to be happy. On Christmas, I’m gonna visit Seoul, which is where my cousins live, who I dub Leo 1, 2, and 3. 







Anna (left), 2nd grade:

I wish I could have money. I want to buy a house with that money!


Jenny (right), 2nd grade:

And I want a pet! I want a dog or a lizard.





It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Everywhere we went, everybody had a different wish to share and some plans to add on. We can’t wait to see these dreams come true. Have a holly jolly Christmas!