Kindness is Contagious, Courtesy of Student Council
Elementary Leadership Promotes Positivity Through World Kindness Day Campaign
First graders Jenna and Jenny proudly hold their World Kindness Day bookmark with their favorite class toy. (Photo by Jade Lee)
November 22, 2021
World Kindness Day is often denoted as a day for marketing teams to advertise their company’s new programs, or for social foundations to promote donations to a certain cause. Often, people ignore such events, eventually ignoring the significance of altruism itself. The Elementary Student Council took it upon themselves to spread the importance of kindness among the DIS community.
November 13th marks the date of World Kindness Day. A month prior to this special day, Ms. Suozzo and her diligent elementary students got to work with the preparations needed. Small hands made signs with messages of positivity and courtesy, while also designing a card. Michelle, a hard-working fifth-grader in the student council shared her thoughts: “World Kindness Day is there for us to show our appreciation of one another and express our kindness in different ways. We decided to choose our own kindness quotes to put on our custom bookmarks, which was Ms. Suozzo’s suggestion.”

The preparation process was worthwhile, too. “It was really fun to help other students make signs, bookmarks, and cards; I feel we expressed our kindness for each other while preparing for this event as well,” said Michelle.
It seems the dedicated effort put into organizing the day was a success. “I think it was really fun to take photos in front of the super big “kind” sign! I felt it spread a positive feeling to the school,” said Jenny, an ecstatic first-grade student. Her equally enthusiastic friend Jenna nodded her head in agreement.
Despite their young age, it seems that the Elementary Student Council has proven its dedication to the school community. Ms. Suozzo notes, “I think the my Student Council members gives a voice to the younger students within our campus. They get to be represent the elementary students to the school. Our opinions wouldn’t be heard if the student council didn’t exist.”
She soon added: “Most of the Student Council members wanted to make DIS a better place, and we wondered how we could make that wish come trueㅡ we found World Kindness Day on the calendar and decided to embark on that idea.”
When asked about next year’s event, Ms. Suozzo concluded that “next year… to make the message of being kind easier to understand, we hope to plan for more hands-on, interactive activities for students.”
Our young student body has proven successful in emphasizing the importance of promoting grace. It’s best to mark your calendars for the other events that the Elementary Student Council has planned so far, such as the upcoming Elementary Movie Night.