Subject: “Comic this week, pretty pretty please?” – this was the email that eventually made me the Editor in Chief of the Jets Flyover. I came to DIS in 5th grade but it wasn’t until 10th grade second semester that I began my career in our journalism program. Not an official member of the staff, I drew a weekly comic series titled “Night Runners” – and it wasn’t even weekly, as you can tell by the rest of that email the advisor sent me: “Hi Catherine. Finished comic this week 100% right?”
Quite frankly, back then I didn’t see myself in the program, let alone as the Editor in Chief. But obligation soon became responsibility, and responsibility became a reward. Each time I saw my comic on the Flyover website and read an encouraging message from the advisor, I felt the urge to create my next piece, and another, and another.
The next year, I made my debut as an official writer, and Flyover has become one of the greatest achievements of my entire high school life ever since. It was here that I learned to write critically, manage a team, and elevate articles to the next level. Our previous chief, Jade, guided me through journalistic writing and editing.
Not only was Jade my boss in the Flyover, she was also the president of NAHS before me. Watching her manage and organize both teams gave me valuable insight on leadership and cooperation. Whether it was editing advice, website administration, or teamwork, Jade always had an answer to my questions.
Grace and Elizabeth, the previous managing editors, remain – to this day – as two of the best coworkers I’ve ever had the luck of collaborating with. We talked, argued, solved problems, cracked jokes, and amidst all that, we were always typing. After a year of shared laughter, struggles and busy Thursdays, all I could hope for was to create the same motivating, coordinated environment my predecessors provided for me.
Thankfully, I didn’t have to do it alone – I had an excellent crew of talented and dedicated writers who contributed more to the Flyover than I ever could. Leanne, although not a part of the official journalism class, was always there for the team. From writing the staff manual to accomplishing our best achievements on SNO, she never failed to amaze me with her hard work and commitment. I’m more than certain that she will continue to enhance the Flyover and bring new perspectives to our team next year.
Jessica, who greeted me with a bright smile each and every class, always gave her best effort and had my back. I’m thoroughly impressed with how much she managed to improve in a short amount of time. Not only that, she remained cheerful even through the most chaotic days, and brought us all closer. With these two amazing editors as chief next year, I only see our website growing stronger. I’m so excited to see how you continue to change the Flyover, and extremely proud of both of you. Good luck next year!
As for my fellow graduating editors, Dylan and Luna, I can’t thank both of you enough for supporting me and giving us your best until the very end. Without Luna’s professionalism in news and Dylan’s in sports articles, I would not have survived the year. Luna, you have been the best writer I know ever since 5th grade, and your skills absolutely elevated our news and captions. Dylan, can I ever compliment you enough? You’re a gem to our sports department, and it’s a shame you can’t stay another year. Are you willing to consider it? Just kidding. Thank you for always cheering me up and helping me out. I’m proud to say that us four had excellent teamwork.
Selina and Ethan, our new additions, I trust that you will outshine us next year and help Leanne and Jessica give the Flyover an even bigger glow-up. Thank you both for always being communicative and diligent. I know that being an editor isn’t always easy, but have faith in yourself and never give up. And please continue to love the Flyover as much as I did.
To all the senior writers – Nadia, Chris, Serena, and Andrew – I want to say congratulations for finally graduating. Nadia, I had so much fun reading and editing your creative articles. Please keep writing and loving music. Chris, where to begin? You pumped out more images than our entire crew. You are the single most talented artist I ever worked with. I’m so proud to call you my coworker. Serena, your ideas and insight brought us so many deep and diverse perspectives. I admire you for always trying to improve and learn. And Andrew, your news writing became so quick and smooth by the end of the year. I am more than impressed. Thank you all for a great year. I hope nothing but the best for all of your future endeavors, and I’ll see you again at our 동창회 (high school reunion).
For junior writers, I ask you to keep up the great work. I hope you can get the most out of your experience with our program and find passion in it as I did. All of you have so much potential and talent. Elisa, thank you for your unique opinion articles and awesome illustrations. Somehow our cafe session was one of the most fun memories I have with editing. Tamara, I know that journalism can be overwhelming, but I’m sure you’ll find your specialty and rock this class. Thank you for putting up with my intensity. Lastly, Eugene, you better not stop writing because it would be such a waste of your gift. And thank you for helping me out with editing outside of class and always supporting me whenever I felt stressed. You prevented about 3,000 of my mental breakdowns.

I have been extremely fortunate to have been a part of this team for the last two years. And of course, it would have been impossible without the support of our advisor. Thank you for believing in me and never giving up on me. I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor, even if you make fun of my sock gloves. Though sometimes we had heated debates and I might have disappointed you now and then, I will always cherish the times I spent with you in room 309. With all of you.
The Flyover will continue to evolve, grow, and highlight the best moments of our campus, city, and all of you – the readers. It was my greatest honor to be able to provide such amazing content for you and to receive the enthusiasm you showed us. As I move onto the next page of my life, I hope I can find a team as passionate and dedicated as this one. And with that, I press my final ‘publish’ button. Until we meet again, farewell.
Sola • Sep 3, 2024 at 7:44 pm
Catherineeee we miss youuuu