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The Student News Site of Daegu International School

Jets Flyover

Daegu International School's student news site
  • Have a fantastic summer break!
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The Student News Site of Daegu International School

Jets Flyover

The Student News Site of Daegu International School

Jets Flyover

Shakespeareans perform modernized version of “Macbeth”

Veteran thespians attend the play to rave reviews
Catherine Park

With a touch of modern flair, the eighth-grade English classes presented their updated performance of the renowned Shakespearean tragedy “Macbeth” on May 9th. Students captured the audience with their rendition of the timeless act of drama, ambition, and bloodshed. Freshmen who performed the same play last year filled the seats as well. 

Preparation took two weeks, which included role assignments, script and prop preparation, and line memorization. Their previous performance experiences with “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and “Gloria, una Periodista sin Memoria” helped them navigate through the process.

William Seo showcases his charisma as Macbeth, the protagonist. He wields his sword against his mortal enemy Macduff. (Leanne Yoon)

“Overall, I really enjoyed the play. The students did a great job capturing Macbeth through the costumes, props, and they practiced hard with their scripts. I also thought they did a good job portraying the tragedy that ambition can lead to,” said Ms. Nagy, the middle school English teacher. 

Technical difficulties interfered with the flow of the acts – the most apparent issue: the timing of the audio. “[As a solution,] Ms. Loutsch thought we could make sure the audio is MP3 uploads, [because] part of the issue with YouTube, we found, is the ads. [Having] no immediate control over volume compared to MP3 uploads to the slides [was also an issue],” added Ms. Nagy.

Lydia and CJ Park act out the banquet scene. This section serves as a turning point towards Macbeth’s downfall. Photo by Kate Lee.

Nonetheless, the ultimate scene of the fierce battle between Macduff and Macbeth energized the crowd and the actors themselves. Chirayu Joshi, who played Macduff, said, “We barely had any preparation, and we improvised most of our parts. Half of what we scripted, we didn’t even do. But still, we managed to pull it off.”

Chirayu Joshi who plays Macduff performs the last battle of the act. He kills Macbeth and completes his revenge for his family. (Leanne Yoon)

The laughter and awe of students and parents filled the presentation hall. Unfortunately, the play overran the schedule due to the large number of performers, and students with classes had to miss out on the last act. 

“It was good seeing everyone do acts that we all did last year. We were amazed by everyone’s performance, and seeing groups that performed my scenes was interesting. It was also fun to see everything play out. I was glad to see the performance,” said freshman Bryan Lee.

Kaylie Jeong and Mika Lee cast spells as the Three Witches. They play pivotal roles as supernatural figures that dictate Macbeth’s fate. Photo by Kate Lee.

“The teachers were more involved in narrating and explaining the play. So it seemed like it was easier for the students to show the story. The teachers helped the audience understand the flow of the story,” said Aiden Huh, another freshman.

Although students faced stumbles along the way, they successfully carried out their responsibilities. “I felt that students went above and beyond, not only capturing their own scenes but also collaborating in order to ensure the success of the play as a whole. I think all of the 8th graders should be so proud of their portrayal of “Macbeth,” and I hope they found the experience to be a meaningful memory,” said Ms. Nagy.

Luke Cho enters the scene by riding a decoy horse. He delivers the message that will dictate important decisions in the next act. Photo by Kate Lee.

The efforts of the eighth graders shine on the school’s English department on every occasion. With the approach of summer break, students pulled off their last acts and shared final memories with friends and families. 

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About the Contributors
Andrew Shim
Andrew Shim, Writer
Now a senior, Andrew begins his second year with the Jets Flyover. Eager to write about the latest news and sports, Andrew takes his passion to the next level in the multimedia program. In his leisure time, he often finds himself lost in the wonders of science. Aside from his interest in journalism, Andrew hopes to improve his photography skills in order to capture every moment of his last year in DIS.

Leanne Yoon
Leanne Yoon, Managing Editor
Leanne Yoon, dubbed as “Lenny” by her close friends, rises into her sophomore year bursting with ambition. As a leader of clubs such as Menstruation Station, SOAR, Debate Club and String Orchestra, Leanne often ponders on what else she could bring to her fellow Jets. In her leisure time, she vibes to music and immerses herself in all things K-culture. This year, Leanne hopes to bring the Flyover to the next level as the co-managing editor of the publication. 

Catherine Park
Catherine Park, Editor in Chief
Cath loves writing stories and making art. Luckily, God gifted her a talented left hand. As the vice president of the National Arts Honor Society, she can be seen drawing around campus. Cath explores many different genres of books, music, movies, and activities, and is willing to explore more about them throughout her experience as the editor-in-chief. All she needs is paper, a pencil, an eraser, and her dog, Russell. Cath writes, illustrates comics, edits articles, and manages the Jets Flyover.
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  • S

    SolaJun 7, 2024 at 7:32 am

    Another wonderful performance. Top notch. Stunning

  • A

    Aiden ShinMay 30, 2024 at 7:28 pm

    I want to be in play now.

  • M

    Min KimMay 30, 2024 at 7:25 pm

    I enjoyed watching parts of the Macbeth play by the 8th graders. I wish that they do another performance like this next time. We 6th graders probably have to do it someday!
