After a long day of teaching, Ms. Katie Shin curls up in her cozy house and reminisces about when life revolved only around her two sisters and aromatic candles in the comfort of Texas. With the picturesque memory fresh in her mind, she picks up her acrylic paints and puts her inspiration onto the canvas.
At the young age of fourteen, Ms. Shin moved from Korea to Texas to live with her aunt and pursue a new educational experience. However, a new life in a vastly different country revealed a bumpy pathway. She said, “I had zero background knowledge and English skills. So it was really hard for me to accept the circumstance and situation that I got into.” But with the supportive environment provided by her teachers, Texas soon grew into a place Ms. Shin and her two sisters could call home. Inspired by her educators, she pursued a degree in education at Texas A&M University.

Despite all the struggles, Ms. Shin’s family also kept her going throughout her time in the States. To keep her loved ones close to her heart, she dedicated one of her masterpieces, “Tigers,” to her family. She said, “No matter what, family is family. I was missing my family and feeling lonely. But eventually, I realized that no matter where your family is or how often you see them, they are always there with the word ‘family’ to support you.”

Then and now, Ms. Shin’s memories serve as her greatest muse. She said, “I visited a dark and scary lake in Texas, where I saw two birds together which inspired me. It made me realize that if you are with a loved one or someone who supports you, it can help release your fear.” From this experience, she painted the piece, “Flamingo.”
After moving back to Korea, Ms. Shin finds comfort in her cozy house, but also ventures out to capture the harmony of her new life and her fond memories. She said, “I like to paint animals or landscapes, so I also sometimes go out with my sketchbook and just draw. I also like watching Netflix, or going to a museum on a walk.”

With her warm smile and Texan spirit, Ms. Shin brings color to the halls of DIS. Although Texas takes up a huge spot in her heart, she still has a lot more room for Daegu as well. The next time you see Ms. Shin, strike up a conversation with her as she is here to stay – Who knows? She might fill her canvas with colors for you.
Paul • May 30, 2024 at 7:28 pm
Ms. Shin is so talented! WOW!!!
Joseph Beck • May 30, 2024 at 7:28 pm
WOWW!! I didn’t know Ms.Shin and Ms.Ringrose drew this beautifully. I like the tiger painting since it’s my favorite anima;
Michelle Doh • May 30, 2024 at 7:27 pm
Mary Kong • May 30, 2024 at 7:24 pm
Everything looks so beautiful