What’s Your Favorite Flavor of Pepero?

DIS Students and Teachers Share Their Pepero Preferences


Graphic by Ava Cho.

Raina Lee, Luna Kang, Ava Cho, and Catherine Park

November 11th is more than just an ordinary time for Koreans: it’s Pepero day! With various go-to flavors, we interviewed the DIS community to find out their favorite tastes and wishes for this unique holiday. 

Tim, Grade 1: 

I like the cookies and cream flavor. There are bits of cookies and they are creamy. I actually have a Pepero in my bag and it looks exactly like it. I got it for my ASA snack.






Joy, Grade 5: 

I like chocolate and almonds. Because my mom liked it, and she recommended it to me. And then I tried it, and it was good. So, I kept eating that one because there was a lot of it in my house (since my mom liked it and then I also got to like it). So, I like chocolate and almonds. I want to give them to my friends!






Ms. White, Grade 1 Teacher: 

The only ones I’ve tried are chocolate and strawberries, and I like the chocolate ones. I think it’s just because it is the most familiar flavor. I know I don’t like cookies and cream ice cream. I feel like matcha is a very acquired taste, but chocolate is universal across the world. I’ll give Peperos to my students! Cause I love them!





Lorenzo, Grade 2: 

My favorite one is the almond flavor. Because my dad likes them and I like them! I want to get those from my dad.







Maei, Grade 3:

My favorite is the chocolate cookie one. Because I literally love chocolate. I want chocolate, on chocolate, on chocolate, on chocolate. So I can eat it every day!




Ms. Prestia, Grade 2 Teacher: 

 The cookies and cream ones are probably my favorite – the chunky Oreo one on white chocolate. I like the different textures on it. It’s like the Pepero stick and then the cookies and chocolate flavors, which are the ones that I like.






Anthony, Grade 12: 

My favorite Pepero flavor is the “nude” one. I like it because the chocolate is inside the Pepero, so my hands do not get dirty, and it’s more unique than any other flavor. 






Ethan, Grade 10:

I like the original flavor, chocolate. It’s because I don’t really like almonds and other stuff on my Pepero. I just like to keep it simple.






Ian, Grade 4: 

I like the green tea flavor because it feels very natural and refreshing. I want to give it to my mom and friends, and I want to get Peperos from my friends! 






Cookies and cream are in the lead so far! We are eager to see the Jets exchange flavors and joy. Let’s make this Pepero Day an opportunity to share delicious treats and heartfelt messages!