We type, we talk, and we tinker. The Flyover staff works day and night to pump out content for Fridays that covers everything from school news to heavy opinion pieces. So what’s going on behind the door of room 309? Read on to find out what our editors, writers, and illustrators in the fourth-period journalism class think about their jobs and special memories with peers.

Catherine Park (Editor in Chief):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: I’m already the EIC, duh.
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: I’d rather forget to press record, because my voice changes so much depending on my mood so I’m never able to reproduce what I once wrote.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: Choco Boy (초코송이).
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: 5 Mr. Lipskys for sure. Imagine how efficient work would be. Also, he could get some rest instead of having to answer questions left and right all the time.
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: I loved working after school in Mr. Lipsky’s room with Elizabeth last year. I still miss her.

Dylan Wang (Managing Editor):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: I would just let everyone have a snack day and watch a movie related to journalism.
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: I would rather have my article scrapped, because I just hate going back to a person and asking for another interview since it doesn’t have the same feeling as the first time. If I write again I can just have a fresh look at it.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: Oof. I used to like Goraebap (고래밥) a lot but nowadays I like Miz (미쯔).
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky because it would be cute to see him as a child and see him grow as a person too, like he watches us grow.
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: If I think back though, instead of just hanging out and eating snacks, I think I would miss working until deadlines and getting homework done when I graduate – Leanne just texting us on Google Chat and everything.

Jessica Woo (Managing Editor):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: I think I would try to make every day a snack day. But the writers would buy them.
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: Have my entire article scrapped, because if it was a really good interview, then I don’t think I could get the same reply I wanted from the previous interview.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: Sun Chip (썬칩).
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky because I can feed him carrots and make him watch a documentary. (laughs)
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: I think it was a day before winter break when we were all together and like, Selina, Luna, Serena and I did a Hogwarts house test and started taking pictures of each other on an app called Locket.

Luna Kang (Section Editor):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: (Confused face) What do you do? (to Cath) Umm…I would make writers buy snacks. We should actually do that. Also, am I allowed to turn on my own music?
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: Forget to press record, because I’m graduating in three months so I think people will forgive me even if I ask them a second time.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: I like Moncher (몽쉘) a lot. It’s sometimes a whole second lunch.
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky. Cause imagine Mr. Lipsky’s walking around and he’s (points to her waist) this short.
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: This year I became friends with a lot more people, and that makes work a lot easier, and there’s not a specific moment but we just laugh about things, and I really enjoy that.

Selina Son (Section Editor):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: First of all, after Mr. Lipksy gives his start-off speech, I would stand up and give a lecture myself. (Laughs) I’d be like, “Hey guys! Do this, do that!”
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: Oh my gosh. I’d rather forget to press record because I think I’d have the ability to reproduce that.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: Chocolate chip cookies.
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: I think I’ll like 5 Mr. Lipskys because they can all talk to each other about his diet, 4 a.m. jogs, and stuff.
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: One time we used this app called Locket where you take sneaky photos of each other. We had this whole war where everyone was trying to cover up and look at their computer screens while not getting their pics taken.

Ethan Rossmeisl (Sports Editor):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: I would, hmm…I would boss Eugene around. I’d be like, “Edit my articles and write my captions right now.”
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: Oh, definitely the interview. Articles take way too long to write.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: (laughs) I love seaweed. I loved the cookies that someone brought one time.
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky because he would look cute.
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: I think it’s either Snack Fridays, or sometimes there are hive mind moments and people are talking about something, and I’d come up with a phrase or word and they’d be like, “That’s nice!”

Serena Travers (Writer):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: …Edit. Yeah, edit.
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: Interview because I can do it again more easily, and I can get it from someone else too.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: Goraebap (고래밥).
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: 5-year-old, cause we’re more similar ages and so we’d have a similar mental age.
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: Winning best of SNO.

Nadia Woo (Writer):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: I would change all my articles back to before the editors changed the sentence structure.
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: Forget to press record because that’s scripted but an article I have to rewrite from the start.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: Anything with potatoes. Nun-eul Gamja (눈을 감자), Muttukttuk (무뚝뚝 감자칩).
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: 5 Mr. Lipskys cause he’d have 5 times more music recommendations.
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: I just love the entire atmosphere of the classroom in general. I think I’ll really miss it.

Christine Park (Illustrator):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: I don’t know, make Jets Flyover an illustration website.
Q: Would you rather have your illustration scrapped, or have someone ask for a really complicated order?
A: A really complicated order because I think I can handle it.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: Oreos! Or…or the handmade chocolate chip cookies. That was like, (chef’s kiss).
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: 5 Mr. Lipskys because it would be really fun watching him debate with himself.
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: Umm…Everyday! Every moment.

Andrew Shim (Writer):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: I have no idea. Umm…I would give free time to everyone.
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: Article, because you can just write it again, but if you lose your interview you have to confront that person and start all over again.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: I do not eat snacks, actually.
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: 5-years-old because I think I’m more kind towards kids.
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: Taking pictures with my friends.

Eugene Sung (Writer):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: I would use all the to be verbs and gerunds. Just so much. (emphasizes so much) (after being informed that Ethan said he would boss him around) That’s what he said? Alright. I would like to add that I’d get him to run around the school to take pictures.
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: Rather lose the interview because it’s just easier to do and I like to talk to people.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: I don’t like Snack Fridays, but I like the seaweed packets that Ethan brings.
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: I would say 5 Mr. Lipskys because I’m curious what he would talk to himself about. Like would they all eat the same lunch? Would they share it?
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: Sitting in a cafe doing Flyover work with you (Cath).

Elisa Triolo (Writer and Illustrator):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: I would get the entire team to write a fun article about the teachers.
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: I’ve tried one of them, which was the interview. That was very bad. Very painful. I’d rather scrap an article.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: Cookies. I like the cookies.
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: 5 Mr. Lipskys because I don’t like children.
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: I think the first-ever Snack Friday was pretty memorable. There was also one time when we watched Netflix together and it was really chill. I liked that.

Tamara Trindade (Writer, new staff member):
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: I’m still quite new to what happens in the classroom, so I’ll have to answer that next time.
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: I’d rather forget to press record because I feel like I’d be very disappointed if I wrote an article and it got disapproved.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: I really love cookies.
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: 5 years old Mr. Lipsky because that would be kinda cool, and it sounds interesting to see him as a child.
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover so far?
A: I’m actually starting my first article right now, so, quite exciting!

Mr. Lipsky (Adviser)
Q: If you were the EIC(Editor in Chief) for a day, what would you do?
A: I would ask students to write more feature pieces because we don’t have enough right now.
Q: Would you rather forget to press “record” for a really good interview, or have your entire article scrapped after two weeks into writing?
A: Forget to hit record because I like to talk a lot so I could just go and talk to that person again.
Q: What’s your favorite snack for Snack Fridays?
A: Anything potato-based. Don’t forget that when it’s your turn (points to Catherine). Put that last sentence in the article.
Q: Which would you prefer? 5 Mr. Lipskys or 5-year-old Mr. Lipsky?
A: I already deal with kids in my house around the same age. I love them but I’ll say 5 me(s) so I can have 4 other people to talk about teaching journalism and video production.
Q: Favorite memory with the Flyover?
A: Well, people tend to remember flashbulb memories, but I just love the overall vibe, and the daily and yearly, so much that I sometimes get a little too emotional and could probably cry.
From hilarious commentary to heartwarming memories, our staff have much to exchange. Though we sometimes juggle with heavy workloads and early deadlines, all of the struggles in this room seem to only add to our shared bond. As the Editor in Chief, perhaps I should remember everyone’s favorite snacks and bring them to class the next time I buy them. Until then, it’s back to work.
Aiden shun • Apr 18, 2024 at 7:30 pm
Really interesting decisions!!!
Selina Son • Apr 18, 2024 at 1:03 am
A little birdie told me Jessica’s buying snacks Friday~ (I loved doing the Hogwarts house – let’s go Slytherin!)
Jessica Woo • Apr 18, 2024 at 1:04 am
Woah… that’s false information !!! Slytherin W
Jessica Woo • Apr 18, 2024 at 1:03 am
I heard Selina is buying snacks this week:3 You know what my pick is:))
Selina Son • Apr 18, 2024 at 1:04 am
FALSE ACCUSATIONS!! I’ll buy everything except Sun Chip (썬칩) hehe
Sola • Apr 8, 2024 at 8:21 pm
yeahhhhhhh flyoverrrrrrrrrrr.
lennyyy • Apr 5, 2024 at 12:18 am
leaving out the maknae managing editor? this is ostracism p.s. andrew is the best eic